How to Make Paper in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
How to Make Paper in Minecraft is a widely asked question from players looking to craft maps, books, and fireworks. In this article, we’ll talk about how Sugar Cane, which grows near riverbanks and beaches, is the key ingredient. Paper is one of the most useful materials in Minecraft. With the right approach, you can easily craft it and keep it ready for future projects.
We’ll also show you where to find Sugar Cane in the Minecraft world and how to use it. With these tips, you’ll always have enough Paper for your Minecraft projects!
How do I make paper in Minecraft?
The method of making or getting paper in Minecraft is straightforward. You need to know what materials you need and from where you will get them. In Minecraft, paper is made from sugarcane. Sugarcane is a naturally occurring resource that you can easily find near water bodies, e.g., rivers, and ponds, or you can grow your sugarcane crop.
It is a bright-green plant that grows on dirt, grass, mud blocks, and especially on sand that is found near water. These blocks should touch the water directly to grow sugarcane. In case you want to grow your crop, take the sugarcane you found to your base. Build a pond by using buckets of water, then surround it with blocks of dirt and sand.
Prefer using sand blocks and make sure they are touching the water directly because sugar cane grows well on sand. Now place sugarcane pieces on these blocks and let your crop grow, giving you a continuous and ample amount of sugarcane that you will need.
You can harvest the sugarcane crop with your hands or you can use any tool, but it does not typically require to have any kind of toll to break or harvest sugarcane.
Method of Making Paper in Minecraft
To create paper, you require a minimum of three sugar canes. Once you have at least three sugarcane, go to the crafting table and place your three sugarcane horizontally within the crafting grid. And success! You will get three pieces of paper for the three sugar canes you put on the crafting table.
Uses of paper in Minecraft
In Minecraft, paper has many use cases as it is used for building and crafting many advanced materials. Some of these examples may include:
Crafting Books
Three books and a piece of leather can be combined in a crafting grid to form a book. Books are essential for enchanting; they can be used to craft enchanting tables, or they can also be used to craft bookshelves.
Creating Maps
You can use eight papers to make an empty map. Maps are a great source if you love to explore and find different things. If you hold the empty map and then right-click on it, it will start showing you the area around you. If you want to make a locator map, you can add a compass to the map recipe and create a locator map for yourself.
Making Cartography Tables
Two pieces of paper and four wood planks can be combined in the crafting grid to make a cartography table. A cartography table is a useful tool used for exploration; e.g., it is used to expand, clone, lock maps, etc.
Trading for Emeralds
You can also trade the paper with librarian villagers and get emeralds. Emeralds are a very important resource for the higher versions or levels of the game.
Fireworks Rockets
Fireworks rockets can also be made from paper. A simple firework can be made by placing one piece of paper and one piece of gunpowder on the crafting table. Fireworks stars can also be added for colorful explosions.
Practical Tips for Crafting and Using Paper
Set Up an Efficient Sugarcane Farm
Place sugarcane on sand blocks near water, as it grows faster here. Building a simple farm near your base will ensure you have a constant supply. Harvest regularly for a steady stock of paper.
Use Bone Meal to Speed Growth
Although not in the vanilla game, some mods allow you to use bone meal on sugarcane. This can speed up growth, especially useful if you’re in creative mode or on modded servers.
Automate Harvesting with Red stone
Advanced players can set up an automated sugarcane farm using pistons and Red stone. This setup allows for constant sugarcane harvesting without manual labor, giving you ample resources for all your paper needs.
Trade Smartly with Villagers
Librarian villagers will buy paper in exchange for emeralds. This can be a quick way to rack up emeralds if you have a surplus, which you can then use to buy rare items.
No doubt, paper in Minecraft is a very small yet very powerful resource. A large variety of advanced tools and resources can be made or unlocked using paper, which is required for the higher game versions. This interesting feature adds a lot to Minecraft’s world-class and creative gaming experience.
If you love exploring, building, and crafting, paper in Minecraft is the tool you need. Once you’ve mastered how to make paper in Minecraft, you can alos watch this video for more information.